My Eternal Language
تأخذُ هذه المادّة الطالب في رحلةٍ شيّقةٍ مع لغتِنا العربيّة بهدف فهمِها وتعلُّمِها بما تشكل من مهاراتٍ تحليليّة متنوِّعة، وإدراك دورها وتأثيرها الخالد في حياتِه ودِراستِه.
About the Subject
A rich subject with various skills that enhance the student’s love and appreciation for the Arabic language. He learns to analyze literary texts, acquires new vocabulary to enrich his linguistic dictionary, and the topics of the texts leave a positive impact on his personality and thought. He also learns grammatical methods and many oral, written, and spelling skills. The material is divided into two units: 1)The first unit (Techniques): It contains various texts that introduce the student to the most important techniques that have developed and facilitated our lives, their origin and importance. In it, the student studies various linguistic topics and skills, such as: circumstances of time and place, the negative nominal declarative sentence, the subject, and writing a fictional story. 2)The second unit (Anecdotes and Values): It contains texts that instill important values in the student’s soul through influential stories. In it, the student studies various linguistic topics and skills, such as: the five nouns, the negative verbal declarative sentence, the active participle, and running a seminar.
You Will Learn :
-The first unit: Literary analysis, (adverbs of time and place), (subject), (negative-nominal declarative sentence), (drawing the middle and single hamza), (drawing two individual letters in the rqa’a script), (conducting an interview), (writing a fictional story ). -Unit Two: Listening, reading comprehension, reading strategy, literary analysis, (the five nouns), (subject participle), (negative-verbal declarative sentence), (drawing the nominal words tanween in the accusative case), (drawing the letters f, q in the rq’a script) ), (Symposium management), (Converting a narrative text into a dialogue text)
Target Group :
*Academic Level : Intermediate School
* Grade : Grade Eight
* Term : Term One
* Type of Education : National
* Speciality : Arabic Language
* Material : لغتي -
Suggested courses:
It contains various texts that introduce the student to the most important techniques that have developed and facilitated our lives, their origin and importance. In them, the student studies various linguistic topics and skills, such as: circumstances of time and place, the negative nominal declarative sentence, the subject, and writing a fictional story.
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