
All copyrights are reserved to the "Saad Ibrahim Al-Eidi Business Services" Company, which is also known as Future Education Group. This includes all information, text, graphics, images, data works, address lists, and computer programs, which are owned by the Future Education Group platform.

Limitation of Liability :

Future Education Group aims to provide high-quality electronic services that align with its objectives. However, the organization cannot be held responsible for any damages or technical malfunctions resulting from misuse, interruption of service, user error, or virus exposure that affects the system's operation or communication. Future Education Group is committed to resolving any issues that arise to ensure smooth educational operations.

Privacy and confidentiality policy:

Future Education Group takes the privacy and confidentiality of its members' information seriously. However, in extreme cases where the law requires us to disclose information, we will do so in good faith. We may also disclose information to protect and defend the Group's rights and property, as well as the rights and property of this site and its users.

Future Education Group will not gather personal information about you unless you willingly provide such information. If you choose to provide your information, we will only use it to fulfill your request for information or services as per our policies. Please note that our website configuration is not intended to collect any personal information from your computer while browsing our site. Only the information that is provided voluntarily and knowingly by you will be used.

For us to stay in touch with you and provide you with the best service possible, we may need to collect some personal information from you. By using any of the Future Education Group platforms, you agree to our privacy and confidentiality policy. We promise to keep your information safe and confidential.

User Information and Password :

When you register with Future Education Group, you will need to provide certain personal information, such as your official email, name, address, and telephone number. We respect your privacy and will not disclose your information without your consent. It is essential that you maintain the confidentiality of your password and personal information. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account, whether or not authorized by you. If you suspect any unauthorized use of your password or account, please contact our technical support team immediately. Please note that Future Education Group will not be responsible for any unauthorized use of your password or account and any consequences that may arise from it.


Future Education Group is committed to ensuring the highest levels of security for its users. We follow best security practices to protect your data and maintain your privacy and confidentiality. Our privacy and use policy is designed to comply with these goals.

Among the most important measures in place:

• We have strict procedures and measures in place to ensure the security of our information and technology, which helps prevent fraud and unauthorized access.

• We regularly update our protection procedures and controls, ensuring that they meet or exceed the standard standards.

• Our employees are qualified and receive continuous training to ensure that they fully understand and respect the confidentiality of our visitors' personal information.

Benefiting From Some Data:

The data you provide may be used to create questionnaires or reports for research and studies. Periodic correspondence may also occur if necessary. Future Education Group has the right to share your data with relevant authorities as directed by the state to build a knowledge society. Additionally, Future Education Group reserves the right to update the user data privacy policy whenever necessary.

Terms of Use of the Future Education Group E-learning System and Its Contents:

Please carefully read the terms of use for the Future Education Group e-Learning system and its contents. These terms outline your rights and our obligations regarding your personal information and data. Additionally, they specify how we may share this information with others without violating your rights. It's important to note that by accessing, browsing, and using the Future Education Group platforms, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. There are no prior conditions or restrictions to your acceptance of these terms.

Terms and Conditions of Use Contained in This Document:

• The Future Education Group is committed to digital ethics, and it will not exceed them under any circumstances. Anyone who violates this condition will be held legally accountable.

• If you publish any knowledge or scientific content on any part of the Future Education Group platforms, such as educational enrichments, discussion boards, electronic tests, virtual classrooms, or question banks, you will be granting the Group and its affiliates the full and exclusive right to own, use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, produce derivative works thereof, distribute them to the public, and display all or part of the content internationally. The Group may also combine it with other works in any way, whether this is done using media or any technological means known now or developed later.

• When you publish any content on the platforms of the Future Education Group, you are solely responsible for the accuracy and originality of the information contained in it. You declare that any dispute or legal claim that arises due to the publication of this content will be your full responsibility and no other party can claim any rights from Future Education Group regarding your work or the work of any other parties involved in creating or implementing this content.

• The materials published on the site are for your personal use only, within your field of work, and for non-commercial purposes. This does not constitute a sale of any owner's rights.

• You may only use the Group's platforms for your use and cannot rent, lease, or lend any information or rights outlined in this agreement to others. Doing so may result in legal liability.

• You are not allowed to permanently modify any part of the information found on the Group's platforms, nor may you store it without written permission.

• You must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, and all proprietary logos contained in the original material in any copy thereof and published through our Platforms or published by you through the Platform under penalty of legal liability.

• Please note that you are not allowed to sell, modify, reproduce, display, distribute, transfer, publish, license, or create derivative works from any material or content that is present on our Platforms.

• Users of our Platforms are not authorized to use any of the materials published on any other site or in a computer environment shared with another network.

• Please do not use our Platforms to commit a crime or encourage others to engage in any conduct that may be considered a crime or involve civil liability.

• It is strictly prohibited to enter or publish any illegal content that includes discrimination, defamation, abuse, slander, or any inappropriate material.

• It is strictly forbidden to use our platform to impersonate any person or party.

• You must not download any material that contains viruses or any computer code, files, or programs that may cause harm to the site or any device or program belonging to any person accessing the site.

• It is prohibited to upload, enter, transmit, or otherwise transmit any material that you are not entitled to transmit under any law or contractual relationship.

• You are not allowed to change, destroy, or delete any content on our educational platforms.

• It is forbidden to disrupt the usual lines of communication in any way.

• You must not post or broadcast any advertisement, promotional material, or any form of promotion on our platform.

• It is strictly prohibited to publish any material that contradicts or conflicts with the intellectual property rights of Future Education Group or others. Also, it is prohibited to collect or store personal information about others.

• It is strictly prohibited to publish any incomplete, false, or inaccurate information on Future Education Group's platforms.

• It is strictly prohibited to impersonate any other user of the Group's platforms.

• It is strictly prohibited to falsely defame a person or entity, regardless of the reasons for doing so.

• It is strictly prohibited to publish or transmit any content that you do not have the right to republish, display, or broadcast under any law or contractual or trust-based relationships.

• It is strictly prohibited to publish or broadcast any advertising or promotional materials, electronic messages, or any other unwanted materials or any information that is not related to the curriculum and the educational and training process such as opinions, notices, and other materials.

• You should not delete or modify any content posted by other users unless you have the necessary permissions to do so within the framework of your granted powers.

• You should not use any tool or software that can interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation of our platforms or any activity carried out on them.

• You should not take any action that may cause unnecessary load or significant stress on the infrastructure of our platforms.

• You are not allowed to share your account and password with another party. You should not allow them to manage your account or use it for you, nor should you try to gain points in an illegal or unethical way for your benefit.

• Any attempt to decrypt, disassemble, or reassemble any of the software that makes up our site, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited.

• You should not broadcast, publish, or distribute any content that is illegal, harmful, abusive, scandalous, morally objectionable, or offensive to any individual or entity.

• It is strictly prohibited to publish or broadcast any harmful content that contains malicious programs such as viruses and other harmful software that may harm any system or information or to attempt to circumvent or take ownership of it.

• It is not allowed to attach, publish, or broadcast any content or use the site to steal a trademark or any other proprietary rights or professional secrets owned by any party or to deprive any other party of their rights.

• Your rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions may not be resold or transferred to any other party, whether they are users of the Group's platforms or not.

• You may not violate any applicable laws under this agreement, whether local, national, or international.

Finally: Privacy Policy Changes:

Please note that we regularly review this Privacy Policy and may make changes to it. When we make changes, we will send a notification, which will be displayed to Platform staff, students, and parents via the notification feature, advising you that you should review the new terms, which will take effect immediately after the new policy is posted on this page with a new effective date. By accessing the page after the changes, you agree in advance to the revised Privacy Policy and its changes. If you receive a notice of the above changes, you should visit this page regularly to ensure that you are aware of the latest version of the Privacy Policy.