Your access to and use of the Website is subject to the terms and conditions set out below, in addition to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Your access to the Website signifies your acceptance of these Terms, whether or not you are a registered user. By accessing, browsing, and using the Website, you agree, without limitation or condition, to the Terms of Use contained herein, and you agree to use the Website only for lawful purposes. You are fully responsible for reviewing all laws, regulations, rules, and policies relating to your use of the Website. Once you access the Website, you agree to all of the following terms and conditions:

General Terms :

• It is prohibited to use the website to commit a crime or encourage others to engage in behavior that may be considered an information crime.

• It is forbidden to enter or publish illegal and immoral content such as discrimination, defamation, or abuse.

• It is forbidden to use the website to impersonate other persons or parties.

• It is prohibited to use the Website to download material that contains programs with viruses, computer codes, files, or programs that may alter, damage, or interfere with the operation of the Website or any device or program of any person accessing the Website.

• It is prohibited to modify, destroy, or delete any content of the Website.

• It is prohibited to claim or represent any affiliation with any individual, company, or governmental or private institution without being authorized to claim such relationship or representation.

• It is forbidden to publish or broadcast advertising, promotional material, or other forms of sales promotion.

• It is prohibited to publish material that conflicts with or infringes the intellectual property rights of others.

• It is prohibited to collect or store personal information about others.

Special Terms for Platform Employees :

• The employees of the platform pledge to maintain the confidentiality of all educational materials and information about students, and to use the platform only following its educational and training objectives.

• Please be aware that it is strictly forbidden to misuse the privileges given to this platform's members in any way.

• Please keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to engage in any communication outside the platform with the users of the platform. If such communication is discovered between a lecturer and a student, both parties will bear full legal responsibility for their actions. Future Education Group will not be liable for any disputes that may arise between the parties in any context. If a lecturer affiliated with the platform is found to have engaged in such communication, their account will be permanently banned and they will be subject to financial penalties. They will also not be entitled to claim any financial rights.

• When a lecturer finishes their work on the platform, he/she must sign a clearance form in which they waive his/her right to claim any rights whatsoever towards the educational materials he/she provided on Future Education Group's platforms. This includes everything related to these materials. The lecturer is strictly prohibited from leaking, publishing, or selling these contents in any way. Violation of this rule will result in legal accountability, and the lecturer will bear all the actions taken by the management of Future Education Group, including financial claims resulting from the damage caused to the company.

• Future Education Group holds the right to claim all of its members, including lecturers, students, and parents, along with their respective rights in the following countries - Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, and Jordan. In case of any violation of the aforementioned terms, the group shall bear all damages and costs arising from such a violation. Future Education Group's rights are legally claimed in the Court of Jurisdiction in Riyadh - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Group's management reserves the right to take any legal action within any of the seven countries mentioned above to ensure all its material, moral, and intellectual rights are protected.