My beautiful Language

تبني هذه المادة علاقة قويّة بين الطالب وبين لغتِه العربيّة؛ فيتعلّم أساسات نحوها، ويُجيد الإملاء، ويتعلّم كيف يقرأ النصوص الأدبيّة بشكلٍ صحيح، ويبني مهاراته في الاستماع والتّحدُّث.

Total Lessonses 6 Total hours : 12:0:0 Duration Of Course 10 weeks
  • About the Subject :

    My Beautiful Language presents topics in the Arabic language in a smooth manner appropriate to the student’s age stage, and builds his skills in writing, reading, listening, and speaking. The first part of the subject comes in a unit entitled: (My Health and My Environment). Through the texts of this unit, the student learns the importance of health and the importance of maintaining The environment and how to achieve this. On the spelling side, he learns several topics, including how to distinguish between the hamza of the qate and wasl and the places of their use. On the grammatical side, he learns about the foundations of the Arabic word and sentence, the subject. On the oral and written side, he learns several skills, including how to express his opinion, and construct scenes from pictures. It is displayed, and he learns about the types of Arabic calligraphy, and he also learns about a new literary art, which is poetry.

  • You Will Learn :

    Preparation (review of previous learnings, diagnostic test), introduction to the unit and its project, listening text (disease carrier), reading comprehension text (desertification and its impact on the environment), orthographic phenomenon (hamzas, extreme hamza, bound ta’ and open ta’), grammatical function ( Types of words and sentences, subject and predicate, noun in the genitive case with the preposition), written form (letters based on line 1), poetic text (Why did the butterfly suffer?), oral communication (expressing an opinion, describing observations, acting out a dialogue), written communication (writing a story from... Displayed scenes, writing a paragraph of several lines, constructing two paragraphs), sample test 1, the first unit test.

  • Target Group :

    *Academic Level : Primary school
    * Grade : Grade Four
    * Term : Term One
    * Type of Education : National
    * Speciality : Arabic Language
    * Material : لغتي

  • Suggested courses:

Completion Rate


Student Assignments

0 Homeworks

0 Quiz

0 Medium Exams

0 Final Exams

Total Lessonses 6 Total Hours 12:0:0 Duration Of Course 10 weeks

آية نصر محمود

High school

0.0 / 0

  • 26 Courses 0 Rates 0 Students

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