My Beautiful Language

تبني هذه المادة علاقة قويّة بين الطالب وبين لغتِه العربيّة؛ فيتعلّم أساسات نحوها، ويُجيد الإملاء، ويتعلّم كيف يقرأ النصوص الأدبيّة بشكلٍ صحيح، ويبني مهاراته في الاستماع والتّحدُّث.

Total Lessonses 3 Total hours : 10:0:0 Duration Of Course 10 weeks
  • About the Subject :

    My Beautiful Language presents topics in the Arabic language in a smooth manner appropriate to the student’s age stage, and builds his skills in writing, reading, listening, and speaking. The first part of the subject comes in a unit entitled: (Morals and Virtues). Through the texts of this unit, he learns about the morals of believers. In the linguistic aspects, he learns various new skills, including: how to draw the middle hamza on the alif. In the grammatical aspect, he studies the sub-signs to raise the subject and the predicate. In the oral and written aspect, he learns several skills, including telling stories and writing a story with complete elements.

  • You Will Learn :

    introduction to the unit and its project, listening text (Justice according to King Abdul Aziz), reading comprehension text (morals of the believers), reading strategy (ethics), orthographic phenomenon (the middle hamza on). A thousand). ), grammatical function (nominative with accusative pronouns), linguistic category (masculine plural, five verbs), written form (naskh script), poetic text (who can I befriend?), text structure, oral communication (telling a story), writing communication (Write a complete story) First unit test.

  • Target Group :

    *Academic Level : Primary school
    * Grade : Grade Five
    * Term : Term One
    * Type of Education : National
    * Speciality : Arabic Language
    * Material : لغتي

  • Suggested courses:

Completion Rate


Student Assignments

0 Homeworks

0 Quiz

0 Medium Exams

0 Final Exams

Total Lessonses 3 Total Hours 10:0:0 Duration Of Course 10 weeks
Morals and virtues
The first part of the subject comes in a unit entitled (Morals and Virtues). Through the texts, the student learns morals and virtues that improve his life. On the linguistic side, we learn to write the middle hamza on the alif, the five verbs, the sound masculine plural, how to write a story with complete elements, and how to narrate the story. And other enriching skills.
3 Lessons 10:00:00
مُراجعةُ المُكتَسباتِ السّابقة (الجزءُ الأوّل)
Recorded Session
مُراجعةُ المُكتَسباتِ السّابقة (الجزءُ الثاني)
Recorded Session
مَدخل الوحدة (اللِّسان، الجمَلُ الشَّاكي)
Recorded Session

آية نصر محمود

High school

0.0 / 0

  • 26 Courses 0 Rates 0 Students

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