Math subject

دورة تفاعلية متطورة تشمل سلسلة فيديوهات وأوراق عمل واختبارات لشرح مادة الرياضيات للصف السادس الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثالث.

Total Lessonses 2 Total hours : 2:0:0 Duration Of Course 10 weeks
  • About the Subject :

    This course includes four chapters. In this course, we will learn: solving problems using ratios and rates, writing mathematical expressions and equations, solving problems involving percentages and probabilities, using geometric terms to describe angles and polygons, and linking the properties of plane shapes and solids to find the perimeters and areas of plane shapes and the volumes of solids.

  • You Will Learn :

    Chapter Seven (Ratio and Proportion): Preparation, Lesson One: Ratio and Rate, Lesson Two: Ratio Tables, Lesson Three: Proportion, Midterm Test, Lesson Four: Algebra: Solving Proportion, Lesson Five: Problem Solving Plan (Finding the Pattern), Chapter Test, Cumulative Test (7). Chapter Eight (Percentage and Probability): Preparation, Exploration: Math Lab: Representing Percentage, Lesson One: Percentages and Common Fractions, Lesson Two: Percentages and Decimals, Lesson Three: Probability, Expansion: Math Lab: Experimental Probability and Theoretical Probability, Midterm Test Lesson Four Sample Space, Lesson Five: Problem Solving Plan (Solving a Simpler Problem), Chapter Test, Cumulative Test (8). Chapter Nine (Geometry: Angles and Polygons): Preparation, Lesson One: Measuring, Estimating and Drawing Angles, Lesson Two: Relationships between Angles, Exploration: Geometry Lab: Angles of a Triangle, Lesson Three: Triangles, Midterm Test, Exploration: Geometry Lab: Angles of a Quadrilateral, Lesson Four: Quadrilaterals, Lesson Five: Problem-Solving Plan (Drawing), Chapter Test, Cumulative Test (9). Chapter Ten (Measurement: Perimeter, Area and Volume): Preparation, Exploration: Measurement Lab: Circumference of a Circle, Lesson One: Circumference of a Circle, Lesson Two: Area of ​​a Parallelogram, Exploration: Measurement Lab: Area of ​​a Triangle, Lesson Three: Area of ​​a Triangle, Midterm Test, Lesson Four: Problem-Solving Plan (Creating a Model), Lesson Five: Volume of a Quadrilateral Prism, Exploration: Geometry Lab: Using a Diagram to Build a Cube, Lesson Six: Surface Area of ​​a Quadrilateral Prism, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test (10).

  • Target Group :

    *Academic Level : Primary school
    * Grade : Grade Six
    * Term : Term Three
    * Type of Education : National
    * Speciality : Mathematics
    * Material : الرياضيات

  • Suggested courses:

سجاء محمد العبدالله

Intermediate School

Speciality : Mathematics

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