Math subject

دورة تفاعلية متطورة تشمل سلسلة فيديوهات وأوراق عمل واختبارات لشرح مادة الرياضيات للصف الثاني الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثالث.

Total Lessonses 10 Total hours : 2:30:0 Duration Of Course 10 weeks
  • About the Subject :

    This course includes five chapters. In this course, we will learn: reading, writing, arranging and comparing numbers up to 1000. We will also learn some flat and solid shapes, measuring lengths and areas, estimating and measuring capacity and mass, and adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers.

  • You Will Learn :

    Chapter 9 (Numbers up to 1000): Preparation, Lesson 1: Hundreds, Lesson 2: Ones, Tens, and Hundreds, Lesson 3: Solve the Problem (Make a List), Lesson 4: Place Value of Numbers up to 1000, Let's Play, Midterm Test, Cumulative Review, Lesson 5: Reading and Writing Numbers up to 1000, Lesson 6: Comparing Numbers, Lesson 7: Ordering Numbers, Lesson 8: Number Patterns, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test. Chapter 10 (Geometric Shapes): Preparation, Lesson 1: Solids, Lesson 2: Faces, Edges, and Vertices, Lesson 3: Plane Shapes, Lesson 4: Solve the Problem (Find a Pattern), Midterm Test, Cumulative Review, Lesson 5: Plane Shapes (Edges and Vertices), Lesson 6: Comparing Geometric Shapes, Lesson 7: Forming Shapes, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test. Chapter Eleven (Measurement: Length and Area): Preparation, Lesson One: Nonstandard Units of Length, Lesson Two: Solve the Problem (Guess and Check), Lesson Three: Measuring Lengths in Centimeters, Lesson Four: Using a Centimeter Ruler, Midterm Test, Cumulative Review, Lesson Five: Comparing and Ordering Areas, Lesson Six: Measuring Area, Lesson Seven: Investigating the Problem, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test. Chapter Twelve (Measurement: Capacity and Mass): Preparation, Lesson One: Nonstandard Units of Capacity, Lesson Two: Solve the Problem (Example), Lesson Three: Milliliters and Liters, Midterm Test, Cumulative Review, Lesson Four: Nonstandard Units of Mass, Lesson Five: Grams and Kilograms, Additional Exercises, Let's Play, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test. Chapter 13 (Adding and Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers): Preparation, Lesson 1: Adding Hundreds, Lesson 2: Adding by Regrouping Ones, Lesson 3: Adding by Regrouping Tens, Lesson 4: Solve the Problem (Make a Table), Lesson 5: Estimating the Sum, Midterm Exam, Cumulative Review, Lesson 6: Subtracting Hundreds, Lesson 7: Subtracting by Regrouping Tens, Lesson 8: Subtracting by Regrouping Hundreds, Lesson 9: Estimating the Sum, Chapter Exam, Cumulative Exam.

  • Target Group :

    *Academic Level : Primary school
    * Grade : Grade Two
    * Term : Term Three
    * Type of Education : National
    * Speciality : Mathematics
    * Material : الرياضيات

  • Suggested courses:

Completion Rate


Student Assignments

0 Homeworks

0 Quiz

0 Medium Exams

0 Final Exams

Total Lessonses 10 Total Hours 2:30:0 Duration Of Course 10 weeks
الفصل التاسع (الأعداد حتى 1000)
الفصل التاسع (الأعداد حتى 1000) : التهيئة , الدرس الأول : المئات ,الدرس الثاني : الآحاد والعشرات والمئات , الدرس الثالث: أحل المسألة (أنشئ قائمة ), الدرس الرابع: القيمة المنزلية للأعداد حتى 1000, هيا بنا نلعب ,اختبار منتصف الفصل , مراجعة تراكمية , الدرس الخامس : قراءة الأعداد حتى 1000 وكتابتها , الدرس السادس: مقارنة الأعداد , الدرس السابع : ترتيب الأعداد , الدرس الثامن : الأنماط العددية, اختبار الفصل , اختبار التراكمي
10 Lessons 2:30:00
Recorded Session
الدرس الأول : المئات
Recorded Session
الدرس الثاني : الآحاد والعشرات والمئات
Recorded Session
الدرس الثالث: أحل المسألة (أنشئ قائمة )
Recorded Session
الدرس الرابع: القيمة المنزلية للأعداد حتى 1000
Recorded Session
الدرس الخامس : قراءة الأعداد حتى 1000 وكتابتها
Recorded Session
الدرس السادس: مقارنة الأعداد
Recorded Session
الدرس السابع : ترتيب الأعداد
Recorded Session
الدرس الثامن : الأنماط العددية
Recorded Session
مراجعة الفصل التاسع
Recorded Session

سجاء محمد العبدالله

Intermediate School

Speciality : Mathematics

0.0 / 0

  • 27 Courses 0 Rates 0 Students

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