Math subject
دورة تفاعلية متطورة تشمل سلسلة فيديوهات وأوراق عمل واختبارات لشرح مادة الرياضيات للصف الرابع الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثالث.
About the Subject
This course includes four chapters, and in this course we will learn: Numbers and operations on them: estimating and finding the results of arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and numbers and operations on them: understanding decimal fractions and their relationship to regular fractions, and measurement: understanding area and finding the areas of plane shapes.
You Will Learn :
Chapter 9 (Measurement): Preparation, Explore: Metric Units of Length, Lesson 1: Metric Units of Length, Lesson 2: Measuring Perimeter, Lesson 3: Measuring Area, Let's Play, Lesson 4: Units of Capacity in the Metric System, Midterm Test, Explore: Estimating and Measuring Mass, Lesson 5: Units of Mass in the Metric System, Lesson 6: Problem Solving Plan (Logical Justification), Lesson 7: Estimating and Measuring Volume, Lesson 8: Elapsed Time, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test, Test Yourself. Chapter 10 (Common Fractions): Preparation, Lesson 1: Common Fractions, Lesson 2: Problem Solving Plan (Draw a Picture), Lesson 3: Representing Fractions on a Number Line, Exploration: Equivalent Fractions, Lesson 4: Equivalent Fractions, Midterm Test, Lesson 5: Comparing and Ordering Fractions, Exploration: Adding Like Fractions, Lesson 6: Adding Like Fractions, Exploration: Subtracting Like Fractions, Lesson 7: Subtracting Like Fractions, Lesson 8: Mixed Numbers, Lesson 9: Problem Solving Investigation, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test, Test Yourself. Chapter Eleven (Decimal Fractions): Preparation, Exploration: Fractions and Decimals, Lesson One: Tenths, Lesson Two: Hundredths, Lesson Three: Fractions and Decimals, Lesson Four: Problem-Solving Plan, Create a Model, Midterm Test, Lesson Five: Representing Decimals on a Number Line, Lesson Six: Comparing and Ordering Decimals, Lesson Seven: Equivalence of Fractions and Decimals, Lesson Eight: Decimals, Fractions and Fractions, Let's Play, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test, Test Yourself. Chapter 12 (Adding and Subtracting Decimals): Preparation, Lesson 1: Rounding Decimals, Let's Play, Lesson 2: Estimating the Products of Adding and Subtracting Decimals, Lesson 3: Problem-Solving Plan (Working Backwards), Midterm Test, Explore: Adding Decimals, Lesson 4: Adding Decimals, Explore: Subtracting Decimals, Lesson 5: Subtracting Decimals, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test, Test Yourself.
Target Group :
*Academic Level : Primary school
* Grade : Grade Four
* Term : Term Three
* Type of Education : National
* Speciality : Mathematics
* Material : الرياضيات -
Suggested courses:
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سجاء محمد العبدالله
Intermediate School
Speciality : Mathematics
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