Math subject
دورة تفاعلية متطورة تشمل سلسلة فيديوهات وأوراق عمل واختبارات لشرح مادة الرياضيات للصف الثاني الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثالث.
About the Subject
This course includes five chapters. In this course, we will learn: reading, writing, arranging and comparing numbers up to 1000. We will also learn some flat and solid shapes, measuring lengths and areas, estimating and measuring capacity and mass, and adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers.
You Will Learn :
Chapter 9 (Numbers up to 1000): Preparation, Lesson 1: Hundreds, Lesson 2: Ones, Tens, and Hundreds, Lesson 3: Solve the Problem (Make a List), Lesson 4: Place Value of Numbers up to 1000, Let's Play, Midterm Test, Cumulative Review, Lesson 5: Reading and Writing Numbers up to 1000, Lesson 6: Comparing Numbers, Lesson 7: Ordering Numbers, Lesson 8: Number Patterns, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test. Chapter 10 (Geometric Shapes): Preparation, Lesson 1: Solids, Lesson 2: Faces, Edges, and Vertices, Lesson 3: Plane Shapes, Lesson 4: Solve the Problem (Find a Pattern), Midterm Test, Cumulative Review, Lesson 5: Plane Shapes (Edges and Vertices), Lesson 6: Comparing Geometric Shapes, Lesson 7: Forming Shapes, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test. Chapter Eleven (Measurement: Length and Area): Preparation, Lesson One: Nonstandard Units of Length, Lesson Two: Solve the Problem (Guess and Check), Lesson Three: Measuring Lengths in Centimeters, Lesson Four: Using a Centimeter Ruler, Midterm Test, Cumulative Review, Lesson Five: Comparing and Ordering Areas, Lesson Six: Measuring Area, Lesson Seven: Investigating the Problem, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test. Chapter Twelve (Measurement: Capacity and Mass): Preparation, Lesson One: Nonstandard Units of Capacity, Lesson Two: Solve the Problem (Example), Lesson Three: Milliliters and Liters, Midterm Test, Cumulative Review, Lesson Four: Nonstandard Units of Mass, Lesson Five: Grams and Kilograms, Additional Exercises, Let's Play, Chapter Test, Cumulative Test. Chapter 13 (Adding and Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers): Preparation, Lesson 1: Adding Hundreds, Lesson 2: Adding by Regrouping Ones, Lesson 3: Adding by Regrouping Tens, Lesson 4: Solve the Problem (Make a Table), Lesson 5: Estimating the Sum, Midterm Exam, Cumulative Review, Lesson 6: Subtracting Hundreds, Lesson 7: Subtracting by Regrouping Tens, Lesson 8: Subtracting by Regrouping Hundreds, Lesson 9: Estimating the Sum, Chapter Exam, Cumulative Exam.
Target Group :
*Academic Level : Primary school
* Grade : Grade Two
* Term : Term Three
* Type of Education : National
* Speciality : Mathematics
* Material : الرياضيات -
Suggested courses:
الفصل التاسع (الأعداد حتى 1000) : التهيئة , الدرس الأول : المئات ,الدرس الثاني : الآحاد والعشرات والمئات , الدرس الثالث: أحل المسألة (أنشئ قائمة ), الدرس الرابع: القيمة المنزلية للأعداد حتى 1000, هيا بنا نلعب ,اختبار منتصف الفصل , مراجعة تراكمية , الدرس الخامس : قراءة الأعداد حتى 1000 وكتابتها , الدرس السادس: مقارنة الأعداد , الدرس السابع : ترتيب الأعداد , الدرس الثامن : الأنماط العددية, اختبار الفصل , اختبار التراكمي
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سجاء محمد العبدالله
Intermediate School
Speciality : Mathematics
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